Sunday, April 10, 2016


It has been a long time since I posted pictures of me and my companions and other Elder's that I am serving with.  If you have any questions for me, email me at  My new companion is fine, we work hard and have fun, though we do speak a bit too much English outside of the house.  He is from Utah, and is 19 and has about 7 months in the mission. I am still the DL (District Leader) and trying to think about what I am going to teach later this week to the district, probably about baptism invitation and how to do it better and more often. We had a good week, we found a few new people to teach which was fun and they are very nice but we will see if they progress.  They went to church with us a few years ago but I don't have any registros of them going with us. Coolest moment would be when we went to talk to a guy that didn't look like he would be interested in the message, and after talking a bit he showed some small interest, then invited us in to see his family and we ended up teaching all of them about the gospel and inviting them to baptism.  We will be going back with them tomorrow. It was great.  It has been one of the most eye-opening experiences in my life to see how hard and how fulfilling it is to serve the Lord.  It isn't a cake walk, but every baptism or progress that someone takes helps a lot and is worth all the effort.  Weirdest moment would be when we were walking down the street and I said hi to a group of kids and they all started yelling random words in English.  It was silly more than anything but they just kept yelling colors and hi at me.

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